The Project Studios Clay Studio is our 3600 sq. ft. work studio for working in ceramics at Project Studios. With an outdoor area located in the ground floor of Building A at Neumann Leathers, the studio is equipped with four electric kilns, two slab-rollers, seven Brent pottery wheels, kick and treadle wheels, pug mill, work tables, customized Brent extruder, two portable Raku kilns, large air compressor, HVLP sprayer and airbrushes, as well as a large assortment of hand tools and bats. The Clay Studio is also well-stocked with raw materials for the formulation of custom glazes.

The Clay Studio now has its own site where you will find detailed information about membership and equipment as well as events such as Raku sessions and studio tours.

Primarily, the studio is intended for artists, and non-artists interested in ceramics, of all experience levels to use on a monthly-membership basis. Fee-based firing for non-members is also available, but it is generally best to just sign up for the membership. The studio can be accessed 24/7 via a coded entry door. The studio has an experimental focus and is not intended for high-quantity production work, however we are exploring a membership tailored to production potters.
The Clay Studio is part of our artistic ecosystem at Project Studios.
Skutt km1227pk Kiln
Olympic mas1823he Kiln
Bailey Oval Kiln with Skutt PK controller
Skutt 231/240 Stackable Kiln (for special use)
Small Test Kilns
Three Outdoor Raku Kilns
Custom-welded Amaco-Brent Extruder
North Star Extruder
Bluebird Pug Mill
Walker Pug Mill Mixer
60 Gallon Air Compressor
4 Brent B Potters Wheels
2 Brent CXC Potters Wheels
3 Brent C Potters Wheels
Randall Kick Wheel
Littleton Treadle Wheel
Bailey Quick-trim Bat 23.5 in.
Giffin Grip Model 10
Banding Wheels
Various Plaster Bats
Large Assortment of Amaco Plastic Bats
Bailey Slab Roller
Amaco Brent SRC Slab Roller
Amaco Brent SR20 Slab Roller
CRL Diamond Lap Wheel
CRL 2200RP Wet Sander
US Stoneware Ball Mill
Magnolfi-Bigalli Jigger-Jogger Machine
Magnolfi-Bigalli Clay Press
Various Strainers
Hand Tools and Brushes

We are locking in our introductory price of $150.00 per month with all firing fees waved for work created at the studio. Clay and glaze are BYO or can be ordered via the studio. The studio has an array of unique custom and out-of-produciton glazes and custom clay bodies that members can purchase for use (or share) on a case-by-case basis.