All studios include free access to our amenities such as the photo, printmaking, and ceramics shared studios.
Summer 2022:
2nd Floor Semi-private: 150 sq. ft. $350.00
August and September 2015:
3rd Floor Private: “The Jackie” 450 sq. ft., $1250.00
5th Floor Share: “Strawberry Spot” 250 sq. ft., $500.00
4th Floor Share: “New Master” 500 sq. ft., $900.00 (Available now)
3rd Floor Private: “The Rose” $500.00 (Available September 1)
January 2015:
4th Floor Share: 20 ft. x 14ft. (suite: 24 ft. x 45 ft. 1080 sq. ft.) $525.00
5th Floor Share: 20 ft. x 17 ft. (irregular) (suite: 25 ft. x 45 ft. 1125 sq. ft.) $600.00
5th Floor Share: 20 ft. x 30 ft. (irregular) (suite: 25 ft. x 45 ft. 600 sq. ft.) $900.00
Summer 2014:
We have some vacancies and changes at Project Studios this June. Get in contact with us fast using our contact form for more information and to set up an appointment. Yes, we really do use the contact form and reply to any messages very quickly.
The Master: 24 ft. x 45 ft. 1080 sq. ft. $1600.00
The Marcus: 24 ft. x 21ft. 504 sq. ft. $1000.00
The Gabe: 11 ft. x 18 ft. 198 sq. ft. $400.00
The Sneak: 15.5 ft. x 17. 5 ft. 275 sq. ft. $525.00
Older Studio Listings:
The Project Studios Spring Expansion is underway. We will be offering the following studios starting June 1, 2013. Contact us immediately if you are interested in any of the following options.
4th Floor Share: 20 ft. x 14ft. (suite: 24 ft. x 45 ft. 1080 sq. ft.) 575.00
4th Floor Share: 10 ft. x 14ft. (suite: 24 ft. x 45 ft. 1080 sq. ft.) 300.00
The Dana: 20 ft. x 18 ft. 360 sq. ft. $700.00
The Danielle: 36 ft. x. 25 ft. 900 sq. ft. $1400.00
Proto South: 14.5 ft. x 12 ft. 175 sq. ft. $450.00
The Egg Shell: 36.5 ft. x 23.5 ft. 850 sq. ft. $1500.00
The Small Shop: 19 ft. x 45 ft. 855 sq. ft. $1600.00
The Master: 24 ft. x 45 ft. 1080 sq. ft. $1600.00
The Standard: 19.5 ft. x 18 ft. 350 sq. ft. $550.00
The Standard II: 19.5 ft. x 18 ft. 350 sq. ft. $550.00
The Old Nino: 350 sq. ft. $575.00
The Old Kevin: 15 ft. x 36 ft. 540 sq. ft. $950.00
The Sneak: 15.5 ft. x 17. 5 ft. 275 sq. ft. $500.00
The Little Beth: 10.5 ft. x 22.5 ft. 235 sq. ft. $425.00

The prices are based not only on square footage alone. Windows, electrical power, type of door, or other factors influence the price. A freight elevator and passenger elevator are located in very close proximity to many these studios. Some studios have their own sinks, etc.. They are located on the 4th floor of Neumann Leathers in Hoboken, NJ.
The location in the building is considered by us to be premium as it is right in the heart of the art and music section of the building, and has the convenience of the passenger elevator. All studios have locking steel doors and are private. All utilities are included. The spaces named shop have significant electrical service in place including 220 v for tools and equipment. The shop spaces are also appropriate for music.