Tag: art

  • New 300 Sq. Ft. Private Studio Available

    If you are in the market for an art studio for 2013, get in contact with us now. We have one vacancy for an excellent space at Neumann Leathers, and there will be more in early 2013. Happy New Year! This is an older listing, but if you want to see what Project Studios has…

  • New Art Studios for Rent in Hoboken

    Please note that the art studios for rent listed below are no longer new and this post represents an archive of available spaces. For new stuff follow these links: Current studio availability Memberships The studios listed below with a strike thru designate that at the time of their listing on this page or shortly after, they…

  • The Willow Ave. Spaces at Project Studios

    This is an old post about our Willow Ave. spaces. To view current membership and studio rental options check this post. 350 sq. ft. Art Studio: No Deposit, ALL Utilities Included 500 sq. ft. Art Studio: No Deposit, ALL Utilities Included The studios are in the Neumann Leathers factory complex in Hoboken, less than 1…

  • More Art Studios on the way in Hoboken

    Once again we are preparing new studio spaces in the Neumann Leathers complex in Hoboken, NJ. At this time we are pleased to pre-announce a new art studio in the Willow Ave. wing of the building. This space is an expansion of our most recent build. This studio is the first of many more scheduled…